KindaCo. Vegan Cheese Review

Sarah White
3 min readJun 28, 2021

As someone who became vegetarian at the age of 8, cheese was a pretty big staple for me. Be it sandwiches, pasta dishes or let’s face it just cutting off a chunk and eating it. So when I decided to go vegan in 2018 I remember thinking that would be the end of my love affair.

But thankfully not, in the 3 and a half years I’ve been vegan now, one product I’ve seen continuous growth in is vegan cheese. Pretty much all supermarkets offer their own as well as other brand alternatives to your classic cheddars, mozzarella and feta. But what about if you want something a little more special? Or maybe like me you’re passionate about reducing your impact on the planet, so make the effort to find plastic free packaging.

Whatever your reason one brand I can certainly recommend is KindaCo. A London based business that started back in October 2017. They offer nine varieties of dairy free cheese, 8 of which I’ve tried and loved.

KindaCo. Ultimate Cheese Bundle

I first came across this brand at a vegan fair back in 2019 and had the pleasure of meeting the founder Ellie. After hearing a bit about the company, we bought a couple of jars of their Nacho Dip and I’m pretty sure made nachos that night. I can safely say it did not disappoint, the Nacho Dip is the perfect mix of creamy, spicy, cheesy goodness and to use a phrase I’m going to try not to overuse in this review “you couldn’t even tell it was vegan”

Fast forward to this year and with a desire to make a cheeseboard I found KindaCo. once again. I ordered their Ultimate Cheese Bundle, priced at £36.95 for 7 of their block cheeses (the other 2 are dips) and as you’ll see from the photo below it was a great selection.

Flexing my vegan cheeseboard skills

In the Ultimate Cheese Bundle you get (in photo order starting from top left)

All of the KindaCo. cheeses are cashew based, which means they are incredibly creamy and rich and the flavours are just amazing. Each cheese is a minimum of 120g and can be purchased individually for £5.99 and the cheeseboard above uses about half of each one. So for £36.95 you get 7 incredibly tasty, unique cheeses that you’ll be able to use multiple times. I also made a pasta dish with some of the Summer Truffle and I honestly didn’t need a lot of it to get the incredible flavour.

The remaining cheese is currently in the freezer waiting to be used on another cheeseboard, which after writing this may very well be tonight.

So as I’m sure you can tell, I’m a big fan of the cheese, but I’d also like to talk a bit about the company. I’m someone who likes to support small or independent businesses and when I find ones that align with my values it’s a win win. KindaCo. themselves don’t use any plastic packaging, the cheese is wrapped in paper and delivered in a cardboard box. They recycle or reuse any plastic they receive from their suppliers so if you happen to find bubblewrap in your delivery that’s where it’s come from. They also offer something called the KindAcademy where they teach you how to make 10 delicious cheese recipes, how cool is that. If I can learn to make cheese half as good as what I’ve bought from them sign me up!

One final thing and keeping along the lines of independent businesses, I’d love for you to comment your recommendations below or tweet me with anything vegan, low-impact or zero waste. I’m always looking to discover something new.

Originally published at on June 28, 2021.

